Why Is Backlink Doctor The Best Google Manual Recovery Expert?
Working on increasing your domain’s search engine rankings is an ongoing process, complete with its ups and downs.
There is a lot of work that needs to be done to show Google that your website is worth recommending to users and every link counts.
Link building is one of the most valuable tools for SEO, and getting links to other relevant websites can be a great way to show domain authority, which in turn increases your ranking for greater exposure.
However, every great move you make for your domain means some issues are likely lurking in the background.
What Google Manual Reports Do To Websites
Before committing to what it does to the website let’s first comprehend what it is.
It is a manual process of a quality rater, penalizing or de-indexing a website for going against guidelines.
Google employs numerous raters on the site to study its toxicity and make decisions either to receive manual actions or not.
Do You Know?
94% of the content on the internet doesn’t have a backlink. Therefore, which means brands that proactively build backlinks are already at an advantage in running successful content marketing campaigns.
When are manual actions given? There could be many instances where a manual action may be given.
For instance: unnatural inbound links, hidden text, spammy free hosting, cloaking, unnatural outbound links, thin content, keyword stuffing, user-generated spam, etc.
No matter how hard you work, you may not be able to prevent getting a manual penalty from Google, which can hinder your existing SEO methods.
This notification means that a team member at Google has manually assessed your website and determined that something is breaking the rules as per its guidelines.
Receiving this kind of report is, unfortunately, a common occurrence when working on SEO, no matter how careful you may be with the methods you choose.
It is common for links within your backlink profile to cause issues, even if this is months or years after they were initially established.
Dealing with a penalty like this can cause a lot of issues for your website and the traffic it generates.

The latest report issued by Backlinko have revealed that Long-form content receives 77.2 percent more links than short articles on average.
With a penalty, Google is going to reduce your ranking in search results and may actively hide your domain based on the severity.
This prevents people from finding your website and participating in your business.
How To Deal With Google Manual Reports

The report may seem as though it has come out of nowhere, especially if you have been working on your link profile for a while.
The internet is an ever-changing machine, which means that even the smallest alterations to websites can have a ripple effect, and this can lead to penalties for your business.
Dealing with such an issue can be a stressful experience and something you may not have the skills or resources for when running a business.
This is where Backlink Doctor comes in as this is one of the top resources for link building and SEO.
This platform can run a backlink audit of your website, highlighting any issues with the connections you have made so you can stay one step ahead of Google.
With regular audits, you can determine which links are the best performing as well as those which can lead to penalties.
All of this information can then be used to improve your SEO efforts, helping more people find your business through searches.
Do You Know?:
Google discovered as many as 25 billion spam pages daily in 2019. Next year, in 2020, manual actions were imposed 2.9 million times.
Working with SEO experts like those at Backlink Doctor allows you to constantly improve your website and ensure you are getting noticed online.
It is also the best method for those struggling with penalties, as the team can help remove such black marks against your domain with their work.
How to fix the Manual Reports problem?
In case you want to fix it, follow these steps:
- On the report, expand the manual action description panel to acquire more details about it.
- View and examine affected pages.
- Now, see the type and short description of the issue.
- Follow the “Learn More” link. It will direct you to the detailed information and steps to fix the issue.
- Thereafter, fix the issue on all affected pages. This is suggested since fixing the issue on some pages will not earn a partial return to search results.
- In case, your site has multiple manual actions, you are suggested to read about it and fix them all.
- Be mindful and ensure that search engine can reach your pages. Keep this in mind, affected pages do not require a login be it behind a paywall, or be blocked by robots.txt or a no index directive (To test accessibility you can use the URL Inspection tool).
- Once done with fixing the listed issue in the report, select “Request Review”.
- In a reconsideration request describe fixes. A good request can:
- Explain the exact quality issue on your site.
- Describes the steps you’ve taken to fix the issue.
- Documents the outcome of your efforts.
- Reconsideration will take some time, and you will be informed about the progress via email.
- Further, users will receive a review confirmation message when they send request. Note that, don’t submit the request until you get a final decision on your outstanding request.