5 Problems Technology Brought and How People Solved Them
Technologies are designed to solve problems for people. They add convenience to our lives, facilitate communication, and create extra opportunities for education and work.
Let’s take essay writing as an example. Essays were typically handwritten by students 20 years ago. They had to rewrite it so many times as it was needed to come up with a flawless version. They couldn’t easily access information and had to spend lots of time in a library looking for the right quote.
Most importantly, they did not have any help except for a friend. Technologies enabled students to look for online assistance when they are way behind their schedule. Today, you can pay for an essay and not spend long hours writing it yourself. And again, this benefit is accessible only because of technology.
Today, it’s hard to imagine our lives without a computer or a smartphone with quick and easy internet access. We rely so much on the virtual world, digital technologies, IoT things, and smart homes, that we often forget that there was a life before it all.
Nonetheless, this article is not about romanticizing the times when there was no TV or internet. It’s about the problems that technologies brought and what people are doing to solve them.
Technologies largely facilitated communication. They have created a platform for people living in different parts of the world to share their ideas. However, technology-facilitated communication will never replace in-person communication in terms of quality and emotions.
Yet, the problem is that instant messaging is now trying to take over face-to-face interactions and many young people give up. Just answer the question: have you ever thought that you’d prefer a person to text you rather than call?
People conscious of this danger draw attention to this problem. They organize meetings and promote outdoor activities among youth just to make sure that they communicate. The pandemic, however, has put all this effort at a halt.
Previous generations have never seen so many young people with eyesight problems. This is truly a pandemic today. Most of it is caused by too extensive device usage. Even though manufacturers try to install protective screens or develop modes that will decrease blue light, it all doesn’t protect young eyes enough. Ophthalmologists still register too many myopia cases among the youth. If you ask a group of students if they have eyesight problems, eight out of 10 will say yes. And this trend isn’t going anywhere.

What we really can do about the problem is limit the time we spend using devices. Also, it’s better to stop reading books on your smartphone and finally buy a paper book.
We are getting addicted to technology. Of course, it makes our life so much easier in lots of cases. However, most often, people become completely addicted to surfing the internet, checking notifications, watching TV series, and posting on Instagram.
Adults in the U.S. spend 11 hours per day on average in the digital world. Children even more. Selfies, likes, hashtags, and other stuff like that have taken over young minds completely. Many of them don’t see the difference between reality and a virtual world. This form of addiction sometimes costs lives. So, it’s better to be careful with technology.
Many parents have restricted internet use for their children. Others allow kids to check Instagram and TikTok only in their presence. However, it doesn’t solve the problem much. Teenagers can still find a way to access their accounts no matter what.
Sedentary Lifestyle
Fewer and fewer people choose walking in nature over watching a new TV series. That means that in addition to sitting all day in front of the computer and working, we end up sitting and watching TVs.
That means that lots of people get physically inactive, which results in serious problems with physical health. Also, this sedentary lifestyle often leads to posture problems that cause even more pressure on the body.
Those who are aware of the problem already started doing exercises or engaged in sports. However, the majority still prefer ignorance to a proactive position. That means that they won’t move until they get a diagnosis.
Adding a little bit of sport could help prevent it all, though.
Technologies provided us with quick and easy access to everything from a bank to a supermarket. You can hardly name any industry where the impact of technologies is barely felt. We depend on the internet, computers, and phones.
However, there are industries that both benefit and suffer from technologies. Let’s take education, for example. Most people now google things instead of memorizing them. There is no point in keeping all this information in your head if you can check it almost at once.
Still, this approach affects our critical thinking and overall intelligence. People find it harder to analyze the situation without any external help like essay writing services reviews by NoCramming or explanations from Google. It can only be handled if we limit our access to the internet when the situation doesn’t require it. Schools should include more creative assignments in the curriculum to prevent students from googling all the answers.
These five problems are not the full list of challenges that resulted from excessive technology use. Insomnia, mental issues, inability to build relationships – all of it is partially related to digitalization and technology abuse.
Yet, everyone can change it. All you need to do is to take control back and determine how much technology you need daily. That doesn’t mean you should quit your job and leave all the civilizational progress behind. You just need to put yourself first and remember that other beautiful, healthy things in the world need your attention.