5 Education Technology Trends That Are About to Dominate 2023

Technology has had a profound effect on education in the past year, and the trend is only bound to continue in 2023. According to a UK Government study, 84% of teachers agree that technology contributes to improving student attention in classrooms. So, why is educational innovation so important to today’s students?

  • Students prepare better for the modern job market
  • Students are directed toward IT and digital-related fields more easily
  • Students are challenged to solve contemporary issues through technology
  • Students are encouraged to research and discover solutions via digital devices independently

Today’s students are used to growing up with technological devices, social media, and internet resources at their fingertips. Let’s discuss the 5 educational technology trends looming on the horizon as 2023 grows nearer.

1. Continued Evolution of Online Learning

Online learning is nothing to scoff at, especially when formal education reforms are concerned. Millions of K-12 and university students shifted their attention to online remote learning platforms in 2020/2021 as a result of COVID-19. 

This prompted numerous schools and universities to pilot various online learning programs to see whether they can meet the increasing demand for social distancing. Some students even took this a step further, organizing their graduation party and other school activities in online video game environments.

2. Analytics to Determine Student Interests

As more and more online resources become available to students, their interests are bound to shift on a weekly and monthly basis. Teachers can use this opportunity to conduct surveys, polls, and other types of informative data collection to improve their learning experience. 

For example, if a teacher has ideas on an essay or a research paper for students to write, a poll can determine everyone’s topic. Whenever students think, “I’d like someone to write my dissertation for me”, they can use a helpful writing service to get papers done faster. Beyond simply asking for students’ opinions on where to move the curriculum, teachers can also gain access to backlogs of previous surveys from other classrooms.

3. High Emphasis on Student Privacy

With video conferencing platforms such as Google Classroom and Zoom gaining worldwide popularity in 2020/2021, privacy concerns have been brought to the spotlight. There is a greater need for students to feel safe while video chatting with their teachers and classmates than ever before. 

This has prompted many educational institutions to create their intranet systems which students can log into and learn from instead. Such a move ensures that students remain as safe as possible online, whether they log in from home or classroom.

4. Personalized Learning for Individual Students

No two students are alike, and educational professionals around the world are starting to notice that fact. This has prompted schools and universities to adjust their curriculums based on individual students’ aptitudes and affinities. 

In a university environment, many students already like to specialize individually in whichever field and niche appeals to them. University students spend hours writing their research papers and essays, meaning that using the best plagiarism checker is welcome during writing. Personalization is the next big trend to make its way into education.

5. Deeper Immersion via VR Technology

Virtual Reality (VR) headsets and software are becoming more affordable by the day. With social distancing norms still in effect across the world, VR can reintroduce practical exercises into curriculums without infringing on them. 

Students already use VR, as well as AR, technologies to perform different projects and exercises in STEM, visit museums and landmarks, and bond with classmates. VR can help students spark new ideas and expand their horizons during early education, while university students can create their VR environments. This technology is a treasure trove of possibilities when it comes to education.

Toward a Brighter Future in Education (Conclusion)

Thanks in no small part to the global pandemic and social distancing we’ve all experienced, technology in education is only beginning to manifest properly. Only time will tell whether fully online learning environments, virtual reality devices, and gamification will take deeper root in education worldwide. Until then, all we can do is go with the flow and introduce today’s technology to K-12 and academic students as a helpful, reliable tool.Bio: Michael Carr is an educational professional, writing editor, and social media marketer with experience in personal development and digital marketing niches. He specializes in writing blog articles, studies, and research on various related subjects to provide useful content to his readers. Michael is a writer and chef in his spare time.


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