10-Day Challenge to Boost Your Academic Growth – Start From Today

  • Updated on September 26, 2024
  • General

Academic and personal growth go hand in hand. If you focus on your personal growth, your habits and limiting beliefs, everything becomes easier to achieve, including academic performance. Before you start working on academic growth, you need to identify academic areas of growth, Identifying areas for improvement will do the half work for you. 

In this article, we will be discussing a 10-day challenge to help you improve your academic performance. Apart from boosting academic growth, this challenge will also assist you in working on self-development and developing good habits and a growth mindset. 

So, before you get bored, let’s get started and explore our 10 day challenge. 

How to Boost Your Academic Growth? 10-Day Challenge

Before we start discussing the actual 10 day challenge, you need to prepare yourself mentally. You need to understand you might need to compromise on some things like time with friends or mobile scrolling. However, if still you do not manage to complete your academic work, you can acquire professional dissertation writing services. Meanwhile, you can boost your growth by completing the challenge. Let’s start now. 

Day 1: Set Clear Goals

There is a strategy widely used to set clear goals, it’s called SMART. You might be wondering why I wrote it in all caps. Well, because it’s an acronym for Specific (fixed), Measurable (quantifiable), Achievable (within reach), Realistic (close to reality), and finally, Time bound (subject to a time limit). 

SMART is an excellent criterion to set your goals, whether they are for academic growth and development, or career orientation. While setting your goals, make sure they meet all five criteria mentioned above. 

Talking about your academic growth, you set goals regarding what you want to achieve in your academic career. If you want a good GPA or need to improve the previous one. Do you need to write your dissertation on time or streamline the daily study routine? Once you sort out what you want to achieve, only then you will be able to put a deadline on it and the way you will be doing it. 

Day 2: Organise Your Study Space

Considered quite underrated, but the second of your challenge must be spent organising your study space. Environmental cues affect the most on your study behaviours. Suppose you are studying in a library, everyone around you is also focusing on reading and you see books everywhere, you would have no choice except to study. 

Compared to that, if you are studying at your kitchen table, you most probably will be distracted by food cravings and nuggets in your refrigerator. That’s why you need to have a dedicated study space to increase your productivity and keep the focus on your study goals. 

Day 3: Create a Study Schedule

Imagine you are sitting at your study desk or in the library, you pick one book to study, then you remember a topic you lack in some other subject. After reading that topic for 10 minutes, you remember your class test is yet to prepare for another subject. You are bound to be juggling between different books and subjects. 

But if you have a study plan in place for your academic growth, you will know which subject and topic is your priority and what you need to prepare for first. Having a study schedule is as important as having clear study goals. You can reach nowhere following your current study habits if you are also one of those confused students. 

Day 4: Improve Note-Taking Habits

There was a student who used to take notes in class very passionately, he used to highlight every important idea discussed in the class. But there was one wrong thing about that, whenever he opens those notes after a few weeks, it seems to him that he remembers everything. But he was never able to recall those topics in exams. Sounds familiar? This might resonate with you (as it was intended). 

To avoid this painful cycle of noting down everything and remembering nothing when required, you must improve your note taking habits. When you take notes, make sure you repeat them right after the class (it takes only five minutes to do so). You can use techniques like spaced repetition (where you continue revisiting those notes after regular intervals) to help the academic growth of students. 

You should also test your memory (by trying to recall them without looking at them) when you open those notes and they sound familiar to you (that’s recognition, not memorisation). 

Day 5: Enhance Your Time Management Skills

When you set time bound goals, it becomes important for you to manage your time management skills along to track those goals. When you have specific goals in place and a scheduled study routine, you just need to hold yourself accountable for your time spent. Apart from your study time, you need to optimise your family and friend’s time as well. 

You also need to limit your mobile usage time by tracking your screen time and limiting it to a certain time limit. When you have a fixed time for study, family and friends, and 8 hours for sleep, you will automatically be able to manage your time well. 

Pro tip: Note down this time distribution to hold yourself accountable. 

Day 6: Improve Your Reading Habits

Apart from studying your course books and study materials, you should also have some healthy reading habits. To stand out from the rest of the students in your class, you should read some good books on learning psychology or personal development.

Always remember, self mastery is the real mastery, if you do not master yourself, you are unlikely to master anything. Whether it’s your academic growth or career growth. Dedicate a few minutes to reading some effective books before going to bed, this will improve your cognitive abilities and perspective to see things. 

Day 7: Develop Critical Thinking

Have you ever read the learning outcomes stated by the universities with their course details, developing critical thinking skills in students would be one of the top. By enhancing your critical thinking skills, you will be able to learn accurate information. 

Remember, there is a lot of knowledge available on the internet and in books, but you need to attain a relevant and accurate one. To make sure what you are learning is relevant to your subject and will be helpful for your academic goals, you need to utilise your critical thinking skills. 

Day 8: Leverage Technology

Technology is improving day by day to make a difference out there, so should you. It is the best advice to use it for your academic purposes. It helps you write your dissertation and do its proper formatting. In addition, you can use it to note the citation. 

Or you might get the advantage of online sources like reading articles about your topic, enrolling related to your subject or skill development courses on Coursera and Khan Academy. 

Technology is out there, you just need to utilise it according to your academic and career requirements. Remember, time is short for everyone, only those will stand out who utilise it the best and technology allows you to do heroics in a short time. 

Day 9: Seek Feedback 

Sometimes, we are going in the right direction, but people who have already gone through those phases can guide us better. Once you are near to completing your 10 days challenge to optimise your study habits that align with your goals for academic growth, you should get your plans reviewed by a peer. 

Get yourself a mentor, which might be your teacher or supervisor, and discuss with them that you are doing a 10 day challenge for academic growth. Brief them on what are the goals you set, and what is your study schedule and every step you are going to take during this journey. They might help you fix any flaws in your goal setting and tell you if they are realistic and attainable or not.

Day 10: Develop a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset can help you achieve all the things you have planned as they are. Always remember, things sometimes go against the expectations and you need to bear with that. There are people, if one thing goes against their plans, they fail to execute the rest of the plans as well. This happens because they act as perfectionists and try to execute their plans 100%. 

If you develop a growth mindset, instead of crying over spilt milk, you will focus on implementing other goals you have for your academic growth. Growth can not be achieved in anything with a fixed mindset, you need to make changes in plans over time. 

All these tips will help you boost your academic performance within 10 days. However, if your deadline is approaching and you have to submit your thesis, the best option is to buy dissertation online. This way, you can ensure the timely submission of your work and can also work towards academic growth. 


To wrap up the guide, completing this challenge can be a tricky track or flower path, depending on your execution. If you don’t do a realistic assessment of your capabilities and set goals which are achievable, you are likely bound to fail. Setting attainable goals is also not enough, you need to have a pathway, a clear schedule and capabilities to achieve them. 

During this 10-day challenge, you should only focus on taking these 10 steps accurately as this will decide the course of your next few months or maybe years. In this article, we have provided you with a roadmap to complete this challenge to work on your academic growth. From setting goals to making a plan to achieve them, everything is here, you just need to take action.


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